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SIITME 2019  Keynote Speakers

(in alphabetic order)

Keynote speaker:

Toni Mattila, Ph.D. (Tech), Adj. Prof.,
Program Director; Regional Director (Region 8, EMEA)

Connected Intelligent Industries Finland
Business Finland


”IEEE-EPS Welcome”

Toni Mattila has served as Regional Director (Region 8, EMEA) for IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (EPS), f.k.a. CPMT Society, since 2012. Toni has also served the six-year term as an elected member of the Board of Governors for IEEE-EPS society in 2011 – 2016. His other IEEE activities include, for example, a membership of technical committees of EPS flagship conferences in USA, Europe, and Asia. In 2014, he was the executive chair of IEEE-EPS’s European flagship conference, the Electronics System Integration Technology Conferences, in Helsinki Finland. Toni is also actively involved with other IEEE matters; He has served as the Chairman of the IEEE Finland Section since 2016 and he is also an active supporter of the IEEE Region 8 Action for Industry initiative.

Keynote speaker:

Marius Neag Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Romania Digitally Enhanced RF & Analog Integrated Circuits Research Group


“A methodology based on electro-thermal simula-tions for designing over-temperature protection of linear and switch-mode power management ICs”

Marius Neag is an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, where he lectures on the design of RF, Analog and Mixed-Signal ICs.

Marius Neag received the Electronic Engineer Diploma from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 1991 and was awarded the PhD degree in electronics by the University of Limerick, Ireland, in 1999. He is the author and co-author of over 100 scientific publications, 2 books and 2 international patents.

Keynote speaker:

Catalin Negrea, Ph.D.
Lead Engineer / Virtual Prototyping

Continental Automotive Romania
Instrumentation & Driver HMI \ Interior Camera Group


“Challenges of Embedded DDR Memory Interface Integration for the Automotive Industry”

Catalin Negrea (born 1985) is the initiator and coordinator of a virtual prototyping team within Continental Automotive Romania, focused on the development of high-end design solutions for interior HMI and driver monitoring. In 2013 he was nominated as a company level expert in the field of signal and power integrity. He obtained a Ph. D. degree from Politehnica University of Bucharest in 2013, with a thesis focused on multidisciplinary modeling and electro-thermal simulation of semiconductor devices.

Catalin has organized several workshops on the topic on high-speed design and is a strong advocate of the concept “simulation-driven design flow”.

Keynote speaker:

Prof. András Poppe, Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Electron Devices

Budapest University of Technology and Economics


”Extension of thermal transient testing towards LED multi-domain modelling and reliability testing”

András Poppe obtained his PhD degree from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 1996. Currently he is the head of the Department of Electron Devices of BME where he is a full time professor. As one of the co-founders of Mentor’s present MicReD product line, he is also active at Mentor, a Siemens business as a scientific advisor. He has been active in characterization of LEDs and OLEDs since 2003; he initiated the development of an equipment aimed at the combined thermal and radiometric/photometric testing of power LEDs (the present SIMCENTER TERALED product of Siemens/Mentor).

Keynote speaker:

Dan Pupeza, Ph.D.
General Manager

Radio Engineering Pupeza



“Using GDMA principle in UHF RFID applications”

Dan Pupeza received MS, Electronics Engineer/Physicist, from the Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest, Romania in 1968. Till 1978 he was Research engineer and project coordinator for communications equipment at the Electronic research Institute in Bucharest, Romania. He has designing solid state linear power amplifiers for SSB transmitters, automatic antenna matching units, TCXOs for large temperature ranges, VHF Transmitters for calibration of radar stations.

In 2014 he founded its company, Radio Engineering Pupeza. He is doing research and developing activities in the field of microwave communications, antennas, radar, localization and RFID.

Podium discussion moderator:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. H. C. Mult. Klaus-Jürgen Wolter

Technische Universität Dresden


Panel Discussion:
”Trends in automotive electronics”

Prof. Klaus Wolter’s research interests have embraced many aspects of microelectronics packaging, including substrate technologies, assembly technologies, photonic packaging, MEMS, joining technologies, reliability of electronic packages, and non-destructive test methods.

He is well known as the co-editor and co-author of six textbooks, co-editor of three book series with a total of 39 books, author and co-author of more than 200 papers.

He is a senior member of IEEE-EPS.