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Oral & POSTER  Sessions requirements SIITME 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Please take into consideration the following information about the  Oral and POSTER sessions:

Oral presentation requirements:

A 25 minutes spoken/live presentation, including questions and answers time (5 min) should be prepared;

The presentation should be in MS-PowerPoint or PDF format and should be sent by email cristina.marghescu@cetti.ro (along with a short biography of the presenter included in the first slide of the presentation – recommended first slide template available here) no later than 25th of October, 2022;


Dear Authors of the Poster Session,

The organizers of SIITME want the papers presented in this session to have maximum impact on the conference participants.
To this end, a presentation format has been developed to ensure very high visibility of the work you will present in the session.

We ask that you send the following materials:

  • an e-poster and a three-minute short presentation for the on-site gallery,
  • a one-minute presentation to be shown during the conference.Further details are listed below:

a) Before and during the conference: a poster gallery will be accessible to those who register for SIITME2022.The gallery will contain both e-poster and a recorded presentation. The two files, the poster and the recording, should be sent to cristina.marghescu@cetti.ro by October 24th.

The e-poster should be a JPG, PNG or PDF file with the name IDXXX_Poster_Autorname_SIITME2022. Although any size can be used, keep in mind that attendees will be viewing the posters on their computer screens. We recommend that posters be readable at full screen width without zooming. No specific template is required, but it is recommended that you include contact information.

The short presentation should capture the interest of the audience and convince them to come to the poster during the conference to discuss further and share information. Presentations should be no longer than 3 minutes and should be in AVI or MP4 format. The file should be named IDXXX_VideoPitch_AuthorName_SIITME2022 (where IDXXX stands for the paper ID). You can use slides (PowerPoint or PDF, preferably 1280×720 or 1920×1080 in 16:9 format), which should not be overloaded with information. You can use animations, annotations, “spotlight” as well as a video of yourself, but make sure that the recording looks good to the audience and is not too cluttered. It is recommended to include a picture or video of the presenting author(s) in the video clip. An example tutorial of “How to make a video in PowerPoint” is available here.

b) During the conference: during the poster sessions according to the program that will be published on the conference website. It will consist of a poster pitch, a one-minute pitch for each poster, followed by a discussion of approximately ten minutes that will take place in front of the poster with the evaluation team appointed by the organizers.

All poster authors are asked to bring a printed poster to the conference venue, which will be displayed on a special board (please see images below). The poster should be printed in portrait format (1:1.41) and the recommended size is no larger than A0. Although any size can be used, keep in mind that participants will see the printed posters displayed on the board as shown in the images below. No specific template is required, but it is recommended that all of the e-poster information, paper conclusions, key references, and acknowledgements (if any) be present.

After the pitching session, please be present at your poster for the evaluation and for further discussion with people interested in the topic you are addressing.

We are looking forward to meeting you IN PERSON at SIITME 2022!

Papers meeting the quality criteria will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and ISI Thompson Web of Knowledge.

[1] The originality of papers will be checked by the iThenticate plagiarism detection and prevention software.