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 Exhibition Fee (up to 30th of September 2022)
1 participant/booth 2 participants/booth  1 participant/extended booth  2 participants/extended booth
500 EUR 700 EUR 600 EUR 800 EUR

* The fee does not include accommodation.

The exhibition fee includes : 1 booth (standard or extended, according to registration form), full access to all technical (oral and poster) sessions, the opening ceremony and welcome reception, all meals (breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners), printed abstracts proceedings, conference proceedings on memory stick, conference kit (conference bag, badge, booklet, pen, and other related objects), and participation to the cultural programme for registered participants.

Each exhibitor company has access to a 15 min. oral presentation during the industrial sessions.


Please email the filled registration form to: siitme@cetti.ro as soon as possible, but no later than 30th of September 2022.